Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

Sorry I've been neglecting my blog again.... Bad Catherine, bad.  But, I have an excuse!  I'm been crazy busy packing.  No, not for vacation, although that does loom on the horizon.  The Douglas household is moving!!  Got us a big beautiful house about 30 minutes from where we are now.  We're excited.  Well, most of us.  My son is concerned.  He's 10, so it's the end of the world that he has to leave his friends behind.  He will never make new friends (his words, not mine).  One of these days he'll forgive us.  Like the moment he makes friends in the new city and can't believe we didn't move sooner.  It's a fresh start for us, and this will be great.  So I have been busy de-cluttering, packing things up, driving stuff to the new house a little at a time. 

Princess is super excited about the move, and everytime I pack up a box, she has to pack one up too.  Of course, the boxes she packs up usually contain one or two of her toys.  They're sizeable boxes.  And she's packing happy meal sized toys.  At least she's cute.  She then proceeds to write her name on the box and what's inside.  I may have use for her after all.

So I'm realizing after 8 years in this place that I've accumulated quite a bit of junk that I'm going to try to get rid of at a yard sale.  Hopefully we'll be able to offset some of the moving expenses, not to mention some of the purchases I've already made for the new house.  (hint hint, readers, come to my yard sale! This Saturday, 6/30, shameless plug....) 

For those of my blog readers that I know personally, thank you for the friendship and love you've shown to me and my family during our time here.  We will miss everyone and hope to be back periodically to visit.  Don't be strangers, either.... you guys know where we're going...

Adieu for now, maybe I'll get a blog post in before we move, maybe not.